Friday, August 31, 2018

Getting there, getting better - Episode 4

Before I proceed with my operation story..I would like to take you into the journey of discovery of the fibroid. How it's actually detected and whatnot.. So basically, in the earlier episodes, I've told you that I was having fever right? Actually fibroid or the alike could be a silent killer. This is because in some patient like me, I didn't suffer from any abdominal pain or cramps or anything like that. One thing for sure is that, during my period, I'll get such abnormal flow on the first few days- and that's it! But I actually do found out that my tummy was a bit bumpy on the right side, but couldn't give any damn about it. Well, I'm very active and healthy most of the time. I wasn't even born at the hospital! The first time I'm admitted to the hospital was when I did my eyes operation. So, you'll see where I'm coming from when I said I couldn't give any damn.

After CT Scan was performed on me -urgh, I could still recall the taste of that CONTRAST- the doctors confirmed that it was a huge mass in my lower abdomen. Fearing that it's an ovarian cancer, they referred me to Dr. Anita- an Obgyn specialist there. During the first consultation, she told me that they were unsure of the huge mass, either it's cyst or fibroid or ovarian cancer due to the location of the mass. Here's some of diagrams that Dr.Anita drew to explain about it. You see, the huge circle she made was referring to my fibroid. The size? of 26-28 weeks of pregnancy - around 2kg. Massive, right?
On the second meeting, after further inspection, she told me there's high probability it's ovarian cancer but she couldn't be sure about it too. Because of this mass, DVT was developed in both of my legs veins. That's answered my questions of, "Why my toes getting darker and darker by days?" Turns out it doesn't get enough blood supply la!!!!! For the DVT, I was prescribed Clexane - a blood thinning agent.

Dr. Anita suggested to run a pathology test. She said she'll collect some sample from the mass inside my abs through a simple procedure, and will get it tested. Dr. Anita afraid that it's cancerous due to the fact that the mass has such numbers of blood supply going into it. If it's cancerous, she calmly told me that she's going to remove my reproductive system in fear of the cancer spreading, or if it's not, then she'll just remove the tumor alone. Mind you, all of these happened during the 25th April - 12th May, however when I was admitted on the 12th May, Dr.Anita told me that she could no longer wait for the pathology test. Instead, she suggested that she'll cut me open as soon as possible, while I'm opened, she'll send the cell to pathology test. Whatever the result she'll proceed as per discussed...and that bring us to the next episode..

Here's some reading from KOSMO! for all of you regarding ovarian cancer or obgyn related problems. Read it and you'll understand why my doctor, Dr.Anita is so concerned about the matter and she'll do her very best to save your reproductive system.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Getting there, getting better - Episode 3

Continuation from Episode 1 & Episode 2

Dr. Anita, thought that she needed to rush and go ahead with my operation as soon as possible. We can no longer wait because it could really jeopardise me. The Ureteral stenting and nephrostomy procedure was done on the 13th May, and it cost us around RM 8000. I'm so forever thankful for my family, for when I need sooooo much money, without hesitation my siblings offer to rally money if needed.

On the 14th, I was discharged from KPJ and Dr Anita transferred me to Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab (II).It felt like checking out from KPJ and check in into HRPZ II- like changing hotels. Checking out process took ages and I was able to go to HRPZ II only later that night. Dr. Anita had already settled the registration process prior to my arrival and I just went straight to Wad Mawar,  waddling-walking since I got CBD stuck hanging from inside me. So uncomfortable, urgh! 

Due to the obstruction, there was blood clot within my legs veins. Hence, an operation to cut me open would be very risky. Blood clots in the veins of the legs and pelvis can occasionally travel to the lungs where they may cause a pulmonary embolism or blockage. IVC filters help reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism by trapping large clots and preventing them from reaching the heart and lungs.  To avoid that, a filter MUST be inserted into my vena cava. Dr. Anita uses her connection in HUSM and arranged an IVC Filter insertion for me at the radiology department in HUSM. Actually, it would have easily cost me RM 10,000 for the equipment alone, but she assured me that she had already reserved the IVC Filter for urgent patient like me, hence no charges at all. Even the doctors were amazed to see the expensive equipment. On the 16th May, an IVC filter was inserted and I was awake throughout the procedure.

My operation was scheduled on 21st May 2018. Two days before the big day, I was called to the anaesthetic department. They would like to explain to me all about the operation risk, and actually prepare me for the worst that could have happened inside the OT while I was under anaesthesia. One thing that gave me chill to the bone was when the doctor politely told me that," Syafiqah, you have DVT / blood clots within your system. So, your operation will be a high-risk operation. Although the filter have been inserted, sometimes, the blood clots could still travel within your veins. In case of the clots travel to your lungs or heart during operation, it would caused you death on the OT. Or, in case of blood clots travel to the brain, it will cause you stroke or paralysed you. BUT no worry, in case of anything happen, we already reserved a bed for you in the ICU".

in operation gown..
waiting for trolley..
it's my bloated face from the drips, 
actually I kinda died a little 
after meeting the Anaes
Although the doctor meant well, her words just kept on ringing in my head for the whole day. I actually sent out so many messages to family and friends, asking for forgiveness - preparing myself for the worst. You might as well got my message too! I might actually die! on the OT! Just look at my 'pasrah face'. I was literally shaking and shivering from all the dying thoughts.. Never have I ever ever ever even in my slightest dream imagined that I have to go through such painful experience. 

Whilst waiting for the trolley to the OT, the nurses told me to come back to the ward after operation. They said, " Later, come back here, do not go into the ICU. Come back here, we'll be waiting". Sounds like nothing but it sparks hope in me. The operation was led by Dr.Anita. She look extra awesome that day. She's my superhero. She truly look like my savior, my superman, she look so charismatic, so different from her soft lady-like daily look. She look like as if she's ready to go into warzone. Just watching her give me chill and strengths. 

The operation took about..... to be continued... I'm literally shaking again recalling what the aneas told me..what a scary world!!

Friday, August 24, 2018

First wedding!

My younger brother got married! To his long time friend from IPG Bangi.
What a small small world afterall 😍

Here are some of photos from his big day!

for more photos, here

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Drama Korea Terbaik 2017 & 2018

Hi semua! Siapa kat sini minat drama Korea? Angkat tangan! Haaa, aku pun salah seorang la. Tapi takde la asal Korea semua minat..Diingatkan, ini hanyalah berdasarkan minat personal saja ya. Mana-mana yang masuk list ni yang aku layan la wei. Kalau nak dikira, memang banyak sangat produksi drama Korea saban tahun. Siapa yang minat melayan komedi-romantik, memang ini lah senarai drama Korea sepanjang tahun 2017 & tahun ni 2018 yang WAJIB anda layaaann. 😁 

1. Because this is my first life (2017)
Drama ni sempoi, on top of my list. Go to drama aku yang aku pun tak faham kenapa aku ulang tengok beberapa kali. Berpegang pada prinsip YOLO (You Only Live Once), drama ni banyak mengajar orang-orang muda macam kita-kita mengenai kehidupan. Tak selalunya cerah, tak sentiasa indah, tak selamanya duka, tak perlu takut untuk buat silap, dan jugak perlunya kawan walau kita ada segalanya. Sanggup kahwin kontrak sebab rumah sewa, kau rasa?! Lee Min-Ki memang tak asing dalam dunia lakonan. Kau bagi je watak apa pun, semua dia main elok je. Jung So-Min punya lakonan pulak bagi aku selalunya banyak dipengaruhi siapa hero dia. Dia boleh jadi sweet, dia boleh jadi nakal, dia boleh jadi girly, dia boleh jadi macam-macam mengikut chemistry dengan hero dia. Dalam drama ni, fuhhh, memang gandingan Min Ki - So Min menjadi lah bagi aku. Sorang kejung sorang lively. Siapa-siapa minat nak melayan drama ni, nah aku bagi: tekan sini ya.

2. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2017)
Credit: Soompi
Ni lagi satu drama-drama ringan yang aku layan. Hehehe. Satu sebab Biblee (da terbiasa panggil nama IG dia)  aka Lee Sung Kyung tu kiut sangat. Dua, sebab drama ni melawan arus perdana Korea dari segi kecantikan (walaupun lah). Dalam drama ni, heroin tu termasuk dalam kategori tak menarik lah kalau di Korea - gempal, tak suka melawa, makan banyak, selamba badak, boyish, etc Drama ni juga tunjuk macam mana gigihnya atlet angkat berat menjaga disiplin mereka sebab cita-cita nak main wakil negara. Hero dia tak kurang hensem wei...model kot. Kena la seiringan tinggi dengan Sung Kyung yang menggalah ni. Pelakon pembantu dorang memang best! Paling tak leh blah, Bok Joo dengan 'SUWAGGGG' nya. Nah, ni link nya : sini sini!

Baru dua, tap mungkin korang dah nampak pattern drama-drama pilihan hatikuu kann. Light - light je sebab tujuan tengok drama nak relaxs.

3. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017)
Credit: Yahooview
Satu je, cita ni memang tak masuk akal. Saiz Bong Soon ni cinonet je kot, tapi konon kuat macam Hulk. hahahah, kau layankan aje lah. Min-Min & Bong-Bong couple yang kiut memang akan menawan hati korang. Dalam gatal-gatal ada juga thrill nyer. Aku betul seram dengan antagonis dia yang sadis tu. Ahh, malas lah cite. Layan sendiri, klik sini.

4. Goblin (2016/2017)
Credit: Xoclate
Ah sudah, yang ni takyah citer lah. terlalu famous dan tersangat cantik sinematografi dia wei. Tiba-tiba semua rasa nak pegi Quebec, pegi semua lokasi dia lah, kannn,kann kann. Ni kira tipu sunat la..sebab cita ni tayang hujung tahun 2016 sampai awal tahun 2017. Boleh kira 2017 la kannnn. Banyak adegan-adegan yang tak dapat dilupakan. Pastu hero dia, pergh, tiba-tiba naik saham balik kottttt.. argh, berebut! Heroin dia, again, defying the beauty standard in Korea. Perlu citer ke? Layan kat sini

Masih mengikuti senarai ni? Ayuh ke tangga ke seterusnya..btw, drama-drama ni disenaraikan secara rawak je, bukan mengikut yang aku paling suka ke apa, walaupun Because it's my first life tu memang yang paling aku suka. Aiyo.

5. The miracle that we met (2018)
Ok, ok..sekarang kau bayangkan, nama si A dengan si B ni sama, al kisahnya dua-dua terlibat dalam kemalangan, sekali Exo's Kai, si malaikat maut tu konfius, salah cabut nyawa. Ahli keluarga pulak punya la cekap mengurus mayat, terus di bakar nya tak menyempat. Bila si malaikat maut tu tersedar yang dia dah salah dan cuba hantar balik roh tu ke badan dia,memang takde la! So, apa dia buat? Dia seru masuk roh si B dalam badan si B walau hakikat sebenar si A tu dah meninggal. Ditambah dengan perangai dua-dua yang beza langit dengan bumi, gitu juga tahap rupa paras mereka, terpaksa la roh si B ni cuba menyesuaikan diri dengan sekeliling. Yang paling pening, keluarga dorang la - dah buang tebiat ke apa? Ok, tengok kat sini yer!

6. Pretty Noona who buys me food / Something in the rain (2018)
Credit: Trisha the fangirl wordpress
Kecoh seketika masa drama ni tiba-tiba ditayangkan. Takde angin, takde ribut, tup tup tup Son Ye Jin kembali ke drama! Kali ni dia mengorat lelaki lagi muda dari dia..lagi pusing, laki tu ialah adik kepada kawan baik dia! Haaa. Jung Hae In pulak nampak kemain lagi muda dalam drama ni. Drama ni bermula agak baik la, walaupun plot dia agak perlahan..tapi ada kesah? melayan rom-com kot... tapi episod belakang-belakang tu macam,erm..nak kata caca merba pun tak, nak kata takde idea pun tak tau la..tapi yang pasti seronok tengok chemistry dorang berdua..hati bunga-bunga.hehe. Ok tengok kat link ni ek --> LINK.

7. School 2017 (2017)
Credit : Soompi
Siapa sini yang layan series School? Aku tak pernah. Dia macam series Reply la lebih kurang..Tapi yang ni aku tengok sebab Kim Se Jeong... aduhhh pengaruh Kim Jun Ho la ni! Drama ni ringan pada otak. Iya lah, citer budak sekolah kot. Isu dia takde la mengenai jual beli saham, bunuh membunuh musuh perniagaan just kesahnya Ra Eun-Ho ni suka berangan melukis komik - seorang budak sempoi la, tiba-tiba terlibat dengan si X yang ntah dari mana. Tapi tetap juga dorang selitkan sarkastik membidas masyarakat sana. Well, kisah main kejar mengejar macam kita zaman sekolah-sekolah dulu je pun. (Ke aku je?). Seronok gak la melayan. Dapat tengok banyak bakat-bakat baru berlakon gak. Menjadi dorang nya lakonan. Tadak la kakuuu ja. Ok tengok sini ek.

8. Your House Helper (2018)
Kalau di Malaysia rasanya banyak je khidmat bersihkan rumah yang ditawarkan. Tapi kalau kat Korea, ianya macam satu trend yang baru nak bermula. Sama gak dengan situasi rumah sewa. Di Malaysia, satu perkara biasa sewa rumah dengan strangers- janji sama jantina. Tapi di Korea, konsep ni dorang panggil House Share dan baru jugak dipraktikkan - maksudnya selama ni dorang sewa 1 rumah duk 1 orang aje lah? Nangis poket. Ok, berbalik pada drama ni. Your House Helper ni berkisar tentang seorang lelaki yang kerja dengan syarikat kemas rumah. Laki wei. Dia ada isu peribadi dia tersendiri sebenarnya. Sambil dia kerja mengemas rumah orang tu, dalam masa yang sama dia selalu menyelami kisah-kisah peribadi dengan klien dia, saling bertukar idea dan bagi nasihat mana patut. Kiranya akhir tugasan, bukan takat rumah kemas, hati pun tersusun kemas jugak. Ha Seok Jin kot, my man, my man - scoot away! Nonton sini ek

9. Thirty but seventeen / 30 but 17 / Still 17 (2018)
Credit: DramaFever
Seronok wei tengok drama ni. Rasa tak mau jadi dewasa, nak jadi budak kecik sokmo. Satu kemalangan merubah hidup dua remaja. Sorang trauma, jadi takut nak ada sebarang hubungan dengan orang lain..lagi sorang, koma selama 13 tahun. Kiranya sebenarnya dalam kata lain, dua dua ni masih terlekat dalam umur 17 walau hakikat dah berusia 30 tahun. Si lelaki yang trauma tu dah berjaya kot dalam kehidupan, ada kerja elok..tapi ada sikit habit pelik ukur-ukur benda untuk dijadikan versi mini. Ntah la, berkait dengan trauma dia ke tak. Yang si perempuan pulak, akhirnya tersedar dari koma selama 13 tahun. Wajah pun dah berubah kot. Kesian dia nak menyesuaikan diri dengan dunia sekarang. Dah la memori kabur kabur je-family takde (part ni aku pun pening, cemano lah)...layannn je

10. About Time (2018)
Credit: HelloKpop
About Time has been consistent in delivering the relatable bitterness of life paired with the mystical strings of fate just like any other romantic drama. What sets it apart from other fantasy-romance themed stories is the staggering character development that draws viewers to root for their happy endings. Walaupun endingnya sedikit lemah, tapi pengisian drama ni memang menarik. Lagi-lagi dapat tengok ahjussi yang handsome dan juga boleh enjoy Lee Sung Kyung (BibLee) punya nyanyian. Suara dia memang sesuai sangat untuk nyanyi lagu-lagu Disney gituu. Link sini.

Bonus.  Something about 1% (2016)
Credit: MyDramaList
Yeah, saving the best for the know I'm wrong .. but it's right kinda wrong! Well it's neither from 2017 nor 2018 but 2016! But I really really have to share about this drama. Oddly addictive like the first one on the list except this one more cliche. Aku memang super love this one too. Tengok berapa puluh kali pun takpe..sampai la external aku rosak..terpaksa la berhenti repeat marathon drama ni.. Again, my man, Ha Seok Jin & Jung So Min- cara dia bawa karakter ni best kot. Macam tak berlakon pun. Sempoi sangat. tolong la bagi chance dan tengok drama ni. Pastu share la pendapat.. oh hati bertaman sebab drama ni... klik sini

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Getting there, getting better - Episode 2

Continuation from Episode 1...

On 19th April, there was an interview session for MyBrain15, in which I really really had to attend. I went to University Malaya with my mom. I was not feeling well at that time too.I still couldn't eat and I'm very weak. We went back home afterward. However, on 21st April, again I went to Shah Alam to settle my new semester registration. This time I just flew there, I was throwing up and was feeling so sick.

swollen face and whatnot
Coming back home my condition kept getting worse, so mom forced me to go to the hospital. We went to KPJ Perdana Specialist in Kota Bharu, and oh boy, I was admitted for 4 days , 25th until 28th April.. Being the girl that has never been hospitalised before, I was feeling so down and unable to bear the boredness of being a patient. Through CT Scan, the doctors team found that there is a fibroid growing next to my reproductive system - on the right side, next to my ovary in the size of 28 weeks pregnancy or 9cm x 18cm or in size of around 2 kg baby. (can you imagine now?). The massive size has been pressuring the blood veins, the ureter and also the kidney.
Acute kidney failure - stage 2 on my right kidney, non functioning bladder due to obstructive nephropathy, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) on both of my legs and many others obstructive related issues are among the reason I kept on vomiting. Dr. Anita instructed and planned carefully for my condition. She told me that she will perform an operation on me after we deal with the blood clot issue, the DVT. In which, it means that I have to inject myself, with anticoagulant - Clexane, twice- on my either thigh/arms/belly, daily for about three months. I was allowed to go home later on with a handful supply of Clexane.

Then the scary episode of me injecting myself began. I'm always afraid and it took me ages to mustered up my courage, every time I did it in the morning and in the evening. Though my condition was quite weak, but still an improvement from before. However the joy doesn't last long. Two weeks into anticoagulant treatment, my condition worsen once again. This time, I'm puking, I'm bleeding through my nose, more than the first time it happened, I'm basically dying- again.

On the 12th May 2018, I went to KPJ Perdana Specialist again. Dr. Ahmad examined me and was once again shocked! My blood pressure was so high, I have lung infection from my fever and coughing too much, and also the creatinine level in my body was 17++. Way over the limit for normal people which maximum of 150. That's why my used to be very sturdy and strong body just couldn't take it anymore. I was dying to be exact. Dr. Ahmad set me up for Ureteral stenting and nephrostomy procedure to help restore my urine flow and hopefully my kidney to normal function due to the obstruction. 

Later I was referred to my Ob-Gyn doctor, Dr. Anita, where she feels the need to rush my operation. To be continued.....

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Happy birthday Leo!

Happy birthday to me! It means that I've lived for 3 decades now! 
So just for the fun of it, I'm looking into the horoscope which represent me - LEO!

This year is strong in both the public AND the private sectors of your life, bringing a heady mix of influence and introversion. Relationships will also undergo seismic changes, and you’ll spend a lot of time figuring out the right new balance of “me” and “we.”

One thing’s certain: Love will be anything but business as usual in 2018!
Ambitious frontiers await! Between now and 2026, you could explore a few wildly different career paths. Your work may involve technology or uniting people around a world-bettering cause. 

Regular exercise and healthy eating are your new non-negotiables.

Your relationship with your mother, a child or a female relative could go through an important evolution. While there will be a few growing pains, your bond should get tighter by the end of this year.

Credit: The Astro Twins

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