Do you still remember our Korea trip?
So now,it's the time.... tiba2 dapat idea nak share..
on how to travel on quite tight budget like us did...
Ni list konon2 la nie..bantai je la.. >_<
First of all...the flight tickets.
Ini lah yang mampu cut almost half or 3/4 dari kos korang..
Please,book in advance,a year advance pun xpe..
Tu pun if u're intended to pay as little la kan..
For our 1st trip, return kami dapat was RM404+RM230= RM634/each person...
INCHEON-KL kmi dapat grab yang promo punya..
tp t'lepas la pulak dah yang KL-INCHEON..but still murah lgik kan,kan..???
[bunyi cam pelik?yes,kami beli tiket balik dlu then bru beli tiket pegi]
Second of all... the readings...
untuk jimat kan kos..kami travel tnpa tourist was just us..
Kami redah saje negara Korea itu...and for that,requires lots of readings...
pape je,from travel blog, experience dr org2 yg penah pegi,or tinggal kt sana..
Advises/story2 dari2 mereka sgt penting,
Especially untuk elakkan kita dari makan buah langsat,
aka sesat melampau di negara orang nun sana!
Sesat ni sebenarnya akan requires lots of money and time la,
and wasting our energy of cos...
ye la kan...dari kononnya nk cut cost,sesat ntah kemana..
tup2..kena naek teksi or etc..
lost in translation |
Contohnya.. for our Korea Trip ni, we're really thankful for
Kak Zarina's blog: Budget Travel Guide South Korea ..
mmg ala2 khatam jgk la blog akak tu...
sebelum smpai lgik dah rasa mcm familiar.kui..kui..*melampau betol* .
Tu pun 1st day mmg lost jgk laa.. pastu dh dpt sense of direction,senang je.
Tu pun 1st day mmg lost jgk laa.. pastu dh dpt sense of direction,senang je.
As well as some words from our fellow blogger friend,
Andy : he lived there before,so he did gave us some great tips!
Thirdly....the preparations...
ni include la dri preparation baju smpai la makanan..
hehe.. utk prepare baju nih,xde la susah apa sgt..
lagi2 kalo korang pegi musim2 laen,panas,bunga,luruh..
tp kalo korang pegi wktu like us did.. it's winter..mmg kna lebih la skit..
Don't pack too lightly..that's what Bigtone always told me while we're chatting..
and damn,he's right! Winter korea is brutally cold,
sometimes down to -17C .. Andy,u're right.haha
Kalo korang g winter, xpayah nk susah2 beli winter coat kt Malaysia..mahal!
Bawak baju secukupnya.. and bli winter coat kt Korea nun..
And tips, don't have to buy branded one..u might use it once.
We bought ours from a shop at subway Hapjeong.
2 thick winter jacket for 30 000won..that's a bargain!
One more thing!~ remember people,LAYERING!
xyah bwk bju tebal2 byk2 punnn.. berat kan beg je xD
One more thing!~ remember people,LAYERING!
xyah bwk bju tebal2 byk2 punnn.. berat kan beg je xD
Master the art of layering if u're travelling during winter time.
winter jacket yg kembung! hehe |
Memang kami enjoy join sekaki berebut baju2 winter yang tengah sale tu dgn ajuhmma & ajuhssi kat sana..
haha,xkesah la xfashion ke hape,jnji practical..asal xbeku,sudah la..
Kasut! Kat Korea,pandang kiri-pandang kanan...
boleh cakap yang 50% pkai kasut sukan new balance, NB tu..
serius!! xtipu! sebenarnya Korea ni kena byk jalan..
so pastikan kasut anda sgt bgus untk jalan2 or else sakit urat!!!
penat woo nk daki tangga2 subway tuuuu
Fourth of all...the food expenses..
Bukan la kata kami xmakan local food,itu salah..tapi~~
Kami bwk sedozen maggi mee,ye taw,mmg xbrapa elok utk kesihatan..
tp kehalalan mmg dah Korang mmg boleh cut cost sgt2 kalo bwk bekalan makanan m'ckupi.
kmi bli bekalan instant nescafe 3in1 yg 40sachet bila dorg promo..jimat kan?
Kt Korea pun kami duk asik minum nescafe yg kmi bwk je la..sejuk wei!
sejuk--sejuk-- |
kat sana pun ada,tp dlm 1500won per sachet,aka brapa hengget?
Local food pun kami bedal je..
of cos yg kami rasa btol2 yakin je la kan.. tp byk dh cut cost dgn adanya bekalan makanan sndiri nie :D
Seterusnya..malas dah nk kiraaa.. Hostel/GH..
cuba check..seeloknya pre-book..kdg2 korang akn dpt discount utk pre-book..
or lagi satu option ialah discount via period of stay.. longer u stay,more discount u'll get
and of coz la, season apa..winter 10-20% discount,depends.jimat kann???
Finally la,The right place to call base-camp >_< puhaha
throughout our stay..our base camp was Hongdae!
Usually tourist from Malaysia akn stay at Namsan GH or area Myeongdong/Insadong..
tp kami elak kan.. ye la,dh nama nya tourist spot kan..
kami tuju ke Hongdae, universities area...
apa istimewanya? hey, apa yg budak2 U share?
aiming for low-living cost kannn....
so, being 'student/youngster center' Hongdae is affordable place..
This part of the city caters to the youngsters needs.
so, being 'student/youngster center' Hongdae is affordable place..
This part of the city caters to the youngsters needs.
from hostel (Hostels/GH berlambak2 kt cni,murah pulak tu)
to food / to shopping baju
(vintage-clothing mmg byk, semurah 5000-10000 won)/minum2 kopi/pape je la.
to food / to shopping baju
(vintage-clothing mmg byk, semurah 5000-10000 won)/minum2 kopi/pape je la.
hebat tak sifir saya guna? muehehe
lagi2 kwasan student kan,unique n ceria2 je,happening2 gtu..
dah,dah..setakat ni saje list konon2 ini :D bbyong!
haiii :)
ReplyDeleteboley bagi nama hostel you duduk tuu ? mahal tak ? kiteorang nak saty dalam 9 hari insyaAllah :) :)